Photos: The Ting Tings @ the Neptune

The Ting Tings, also known as the magical pair of British artists Jules De Martino and Katie White, returned to Seattle in March 2015. Duran Duran fans will be excited to hear that former guitarist Andy Taylor produced the Ting Tings’ latest album, Super Critical, which was extremely awaited. A short gap of only 2 […]

Photos: Allo Darlin’, Blooper & Zebra Hunt @ the Tractor

The guitarist of Allo Darlin’ really has one of the coolest styles. That’s just a fact, and Seattle fans enjoyed that style live when the band played the Tractor on October 29, 2014. The quartet, led by Australian Elizabeth Morris, creates music that is actually as comfy as warm toast. Opening were Seattle’s Blooper and […]

Photos: The Melvins & Le Butcherettes @ Showbox at the Market

In the fall of 2014, more specifically, October 16th, the Melvins made an always welcome visit to Seattle. More good Melvins news came out last week, when the Bumbershoot Festival 2015 lineup, including the Melvins, was announced. Special note to Buzz Osborne: Awesome evil eye top! Le Butcherettes, a Mexican trio who have a few […]

Photos: Placebo @ Showbox at the Market

On October 20, 2014, English band Placebo visited Seattle to play Showbox at the Market. The headlining gig was part of their 20th anniversary celebrations (the group formed in London, if you didn’t know) and have released albums nearly ever 3 years since. Over on Placebo’s site you can now listen to every album. Excellent! […]