News: Capitol Hill Block Party Announces Initial 2016 Lineup

Capitol Hill Block Party Announces Initial 2016 Lineup on Back Beat Seattle via Marz Time

Review: Julia Holter @ Columbia City Theater

Review: Julia Holter @ Columbia City Theater – 2/3/16 ~Nick Nihil Julia Holter challenges, on the opening track of her first album, to “try to make yourself a work of art,” possibly both to the listener and to herself. She has risen to that challenge. No matter how casually she may stand, she seems brought […]

Photos: Sasquatch Lineup Announcement @ the Neptune

On January 11th, Sasquatch! Music Festival announced its lineup at the Neptune. M. Ward (on this year’s lineup) and Charles Bradley performed sets at the party. The event, including Grimes, M83 and Leon Bridges, takes place at its traditional location and during its traditional days: The Gorge Ampitheatre/Memorial Day Weekend. All photos by Simon Krane: […]