Photos: 107.7 The End’s Summer Camp 2012

This year’s Summer Camp brought some AMAZING bands to Redmond Washington for an outdoor show that attracts people of all ages from all over Washington, Oregon, and even Canada! I showed up a little late thanks to the old 9-5, but was still able to catch some of the big bands. Every band I saw was awesome, and I either already had their album or ran out and bought it after the show. FUN. definitely brought a memorable performance by spraying confetti all over the crowd and lighting it up with all the colors of the rainbow! Check out some of the highlights below! (along with a little cheesy animated LOVE for the FUN. Fetti show Fun. put on)

 Walk The Moon

Though they are often recognized for their hit single, “Anna Sun,” their full length self-titled album was available as of June this year, and is totally worth a listen (or 50).

Atlas Genius

Morning Parade




The Royal Concept


Alex Clare
