CD Review: Or, The Whale by Or, The Whale

If popularity in the music industry was actually based on the quality of music, San Francisco’s Or, The Whale would be infiltrating everyone’s iPod and conquering the FM radio waves. Unfortunately that’s not the way the industry works. The assembled by way of Craigslist seven piece, Americana ensemble builds on the promise of their debut […]

CD Review: Interpol by Interpol

I’ve avoided all reviews of Interpol, Interpol’s fourth CD. I needed to listen alone and without another person’s preconceived notions, as Interpol has remained a favorite band of mine. Even if Interpol were a disaster, they’d remain a favorite, but I can say the CD is as sumptuous as their previous work (I thought Our […]

Interview: Antoine Hilaire of Jamaica

France’s Jamaica, a duo made up of Antoine Hilaire and Florent Lyonnet released their debut LP No Problem just this year. Hilaire (guitar/vocals) and Lyonett (bass/vocals) offer traditional, string driven pop music of clarity. There are no synths to dirty the waters here. You can hear evidence of this on their MySpace – I’d point […]