Portraits: Lisa Dank, Love Sick, Lemolo & Ravenna Woods

Photographer James Bailey took some amazing shots of several great local musicians and I just had to show them to you. Bailey takes photos at concerts and he also captures beauties in more formal arrangements. Enjoy his portraits of Lisa Dank, Love Sick, Lemolo and Ravenna Woods.

Lisa Dank with The White Widows 1

Lisa Dank with The White Widows 2
Lisa Dank & the White Widows

love sick
Love Sick

lemolo 4

lemolo 3

lemolo 1

lemolo 2

ravenna woods 2

Ravnna Woods 1

ravenna woods 3
Ravenna Woods

Videos: We Are Scientists, Sébastian Tellier & Kaskade

We Are Scientists‘ video for “Nice Guys” has all the wrong lyrics in it – I enjoy that. I also enjoy watching singer/guitarist Keith Murray navigate the streets of New York on a scooter. It’s entertaining, and the squirrels are adorable. Trivia: the boy in the video is Chris Cain’s son, and reportedly the masked monster at the end is Murray’s girlfriend, Christi-Lynn of Bad Girlfriend.

niceguys300Single artwork for “Nice Guys”

The video for Sébastian Tellier‘s song “Look” is a concept I have definitely not seen before in a video. For some reason the ending of the video is poignant and it’s hard to explain why – maybe it’s just the slow destruction. I don’t know. The video is by Mryzk & Moriceau, who also did Air’s “Sing Sang Sung”.

Sébastien Tellier – Look from Record Makers on Vimeo.

And the last video is not really a video but it’s a superb collaboration between Kaskade and Dragonette. Listen to “Fire in Your New Shoes”.

Interview & Show Preview: AM Taxi @ the Gorge, Sat. 8/14

Chicago’s AM Taxi released their debut CD, We Don’t Stand A Chance this year. It’s been such a great year for new CDs and I have definitely added this one to my list of top CDs of 2010 (another one, Hey Champ’s Star, comes from Chicago as well). AM Taxi is unaffected rock and you should really check them out. They’re appearing tomorrow, August 14th at the Gorge as part of Vans Warped Tour, and I talked with their vocalist/guitarist Adam Krier recently. I wanted to know about the songwriter and lyricist in Krier – and also had some questions about their fabulous debut.

What’s something that you really love about Chicago?

Adam Krier: The people. The people are incredible – my friends and family. The music and the food. Deep dish, Chicago-style pizza. It’s not really the same anywhere else in the country. There’s something about the water in the dough. It’s the only place that really does it right, Chicago.

You seem to be a pretty big fan of the Clash.What’s one of your favorite Clash songs?

AK: I especially like the early part of their career. The first three records. “Clampdown,” “Death or Glory” –

“Death or Glory” is a great song.

AK: And “Jimmy Jazz”.

How did you discover them?

AK: As a teenager. I started to get into punk bands at that time and I wanted to know what influenced those bands.

Did you get interested in reggae too?

AK: I love all that stuff, Jimmy Cliff . . . Toots and the Maytals.

AM Taxi – L – R Luke Schmitt: keyboard, Adam Krier: vocals/guitar, John Schmitt: guitar, Jason Schultejann: bass, Chris Smith: drums – photo by Gabrielle Revere

Your lyrics are very straightforward and honest. Do you try to make them something people can relate to?

AK: Yes and no. The goal is that it’s something people can put on and hopefully it’s therapeutic but I don’t really think that way when I am writing it. It has to come out honestly. I wanted to create something that people could put on and if they’re having a bad day or they’re excited about the weekend . . . something to be a soundtrack.

Who are some lyricists you like?

AK: Paul Westerberg, Bruce Springsteen (especially the early years).

I saw an interview with Bruce Springsteen and he’s fascinating.

AK: He’s got that storyteller character.

Is “Fed Up” the first video AM Taxi’s done?

AK: It’s the second video but it’s the first single. We did another song to introduce ourselves – we’re a relatively unknown band at this point. We put out “The Mistake,” and the video for “The Mistake” – that was back in December (2009).

You recorded the album in Austin? What was Austin like?

AK: It’s really cool. There’s a real artistic vibe. It’s still the south, still Texas. You can see great local bands anytime but you can also get incredible barbecue.

You also recorded the album on tape?

AK: That’s the way he [producer Mike McCarthy] makes all his records, which I think is cool. Everybody performs together instead of one instrument at a time, which is the way a lot of people do it now, adding one thing at a time. You lose the live vibe after a while.

The sound is just great. You wanted a live show sound?

AK: We wanted to keep it as real as we could. There are mistakes on there – a couple tuning issues. But it’s fine because it’s just the same kind of mistake that we might make if we were really getting into it.

Does the band have arguments on tour?

AK: The trick is to give people space when they need their space. Be aware – communicate. Two of the guys are brothers [John Schmitt, guitar and Luke Schmitt, keyboards], which is amusing. You have that sort of family mentality. It’s fun to get them going. They can scream and yell at each other and it doesn’t matter.

How did you get on the Uncovered series on Playboy?

AK: Not sure how it came about. We did a song for them. It wasn’t nearly as exciting as everyone thought when they saw we were gonna be on it. No bunnies. They gave us a couple bottles of liquor and we were on our way. It was fun though.

You have a lot of longstanding fans.

AK: We don’t seem to have a demographic, which I think is great. I don’t know what the label thinks of it. The people that come up to the merch table can be young teenage girls and guys, could be people in their 30s or 40s, sometimes parents of the kids, college or post-college . . . it’s all over the board. I think maybe it’s because we didn’t latch onto a trend – or we’re trying really hard not to. We’re doing straightforward rock and roll. A lot of groups like to come along and say hey we’re original, the next big thing. We’ll be the last group to claim we’re doing something no one’s done before.

Where did the song “Charissa” come from?

AK: It’s about a couple I know, a little bit older but not much older. They’re awesome. They’re kind of motorcyle-riding . . . and they like to drink. Charissa works hard but they take care of each other. Every now and then he’ll screw up but she’s forgiving. They’re truly in love. It’s nice to see that.

Fed Up

AM Taxi | MySpace Music Videos

Photos: Rush @ White River Ampitheater

Rush brought their Time Machine Tour to White River Ampitheater on August 7th. The Canadians started as Rush in 1968, and are well known for being some of the best artists you’re ever going to hear. Album number 19, Clockwork Angels is set for a spring 2011 release. If you missed them this time here’s hoping they will tour the new album. Photographer Kam Martin attended the show and brought back some smooth shots of the Canadian icons:








Photos: the New Pornographers, the Dodos & Imaad Wasif @ Showbox Market

The New Pornographers played two shows at the Showbox Market in July and August. Jason Tang was at the Saturday, July 31st show and got some stellar shots of the band and their openers, the Dodos and Imaad Wasif. In addition to the New Pornographers’ 2010 release, Together, singer/keyboardist, Kathryn Calder has a solo debut (Are You My Mother?) out now.

2010.07.31: The New Pornographers @ Showbox At The Market, Seatt

2010.07.31: The New Pornographers @ Showbox At The Market, Seatt

2010.07.31: The New Pornographers @ Showbox At The Market, Seatt

2010.07.31: The New Pornographers @ Showbox At The Market, Seatt

2010.07.31: The New Pornographers @ Showbox At The Market, Seatt

2010.07.31: The New Pornographers @ Showbox At The Market, Seatt

2010.07.31: The New Pornographers @ Showbox At The Market, Seatt
the New Pornographers

2010.07.31: The Dodos @ Showbox At The Market, Seattle, WA

2010.07.31: The Dodos @ Showbox At The Market, Seattle, WA

2010.07.31: The Dodos @ Showbox At The Market, Seattle, WA

2010.07.31: The Dodos @ Showbox At The Market, Seattle, WA

2010.07.31: The Dodos @ Showbox At The Market, Seattle, WA

2010.07.31: The Dodos @ Showbox At The Market, Seattle, WA

2010.07.31: The Dodos @ Showbox At The Market, Seattle, WA
the Dodos

2010.07.31: Imaad Wasif @ Showbox At The Market, Seattle, WA

2010.07.31: Imaad Wasif @ Showbox At The Market, Seattle, WA

2010.07.31: Imaad Wasif @ Showbox At The Market, Seattle, WA

2010.07.31: Imaad Wasif @ Showbox At The Market, Seattle, WA

2010.07.31: Imaad Wasif @ Showbox At The Market, Seattle, WA

2010.07.31: Imaad Wasif @ Showbox At The Market, Seattle, WA

2010.07.31: Imaad Wasif w/ The Dodos @ Showbox At The Market, Se
Imaad Wasif

See more of Tang’s photos here.