Show Preview: Romeo & Juliet @ Can Can
Romeo & Juliet – photo by Bruce Dugdale
I am a big Shakespeare fan. I have a BA in English and studied Shakespeare at University. Sometimes I am a purist, as in I only want to see Shakespeare done approximately as it might have been done when the plays were new. With time, I became way more flexible, which is definitely good. The most important part, of course, is the timeless story. Excitingly, Can Can in Seattle shares its own take on the classic Romeo & Juliet cabaret-style, featuring fabulous costumes, original music and dance – all in the lovely venue. Congrats to Can Can and all involved for putting together a new spin on the classic. I mean, I took one look at the beautiful press photos for the show, and I was interested! Show runs through April 29th, and I’ve added a reminder on our show listing page so this stays fresh in your minds.

Romeo & Juliet Cast – photo by Bruce Dugdale
Catch up with more details on Can Can, and more on the Romeo & Juliet production on Can Can’s Facebook Page.
& enjoy some sweet live shots by photographer Nate Watters of the production to whet your appetite:

Romeo & Juliet – photos by Nate Watters