Cool Cover: THETAN’s Grand Ole Agony

Artist: THETANAlbum: Grand Ole AgonyDetails: Evil bunnies? Bloody bunnies? Love the pink noses and the juxtaposition of the fluff and the sharp edges of horns and daggers. The artist is Kristen Ferrell, whose work links in nicely with my most recent cool cover of Pussy Riot’s single, “Bad Trip.” Ferrell is influenced by Hieronymus Bosch, […]

Cool Cover: Pussy Riot’s “Bad Trip”

Artist: Pussy RiotSingle: “Bad Trip”Details: It’s a detail from Hieronymus Bosch‘s painting, The Garden of Earthly Delights. I’ve always been stunned by Bosch’s art. So much going on, so much spooky beauty. The Dutch artist Bosch was around in the 15th and 16th centuries, and is mostly known for creating weird, hellish paintings and moving […]

Cool Cover: caro♡’s wild at ♡

Artist: caro♡Album: wild at ♡Details: Beautiful work from Dian Liang, a Shanghai-based artist. I love how shiny, yet dark, her art is. Look at those wolves! Those claws! In It’s Nice That, Liang said she tries to “paint psychology.” Enthusiastic praise from her Instagram followers include such comments as “OMG furry,” “furry powah,” and “Immaculate.” […]

Cool Cover: Sophie Powers’ “Nosebleed”

Artist: Sophie PowersSingle: “Nosebleed”Details: This is Sophie Powers’ debut single with Atlantic Records. Congrats! The cover, with a photo by Anya GTA, looks like Powers is in a very fun game. Except for the nosebleed, of course. I like the bubbles, and Powers’ expression is spot on with the song’s lyrics: Yeah, we don’t care at all/And […]

Cool Cover: Peach PRC’s Manic Dream Pixie

Artist: Peach PRCAlbum: Manic Dream PixieDetails: Who doesn’t love loads of pink? And pixies, and butterflies? Australian singer Peach PRC sure does. This lovely photo and art work comes from Billy Zammit, a fellow-Aussie who also has celebrated musicians Peking Duk and done numerous fashion projects.