Photos: Helmet @ the Crocodile

Right before Thanksgiving Helmet made a stop at the Crocodile. As of now it appears Helmet has a bit of a break in touring, but in August 2014 Helmet’s Page Hamilton will host the first Helmet Band Camp. All Seattle photos by Monica Martinez: Helmet

Photos: Slayer, Gojira & 4Arm @ WaMu Theater

A world without Slayer would be a sad place indeed. This band’s music is a thing of great beauty, and we’re always thrilled to feature Slayer on Back Beat Seattle. They’ve also got cool fans, including one who put together a holiday light show to Slayer tunes in dedication to the late – and missed […]

Photos: Reykjavik Calling w/ Kithkin, Vox Mod, Kaylee Cole, Sin Fang, Hermigervill & Borko

KEXP presented its fourth annual Reykjavik Calling, a free event with concerts by artists from Iceland and Seattle. Pretty cool. In case you did not know, Reykjavik is our Icelandic sister city, and KEXP matched up the Seattle and Reykjavik artists to see what would happen. Here’s some photographic evidence by Simon Krane: Hermigervill & […]