Photos: Metric @ the Showbox

Metric pounced into Seattle last Thursday and put on a glowing show. I like their energy and I think Emily Haines is deservedly known as a talented and sexy performer. And they did some of my favorite songs of theirs, including Dead Disco and Help I’m Alive. I was also impressed that Haines mentioned their first show in Seattle where they played the Crocodile. According to her there were only 2 people there. Here’s looking forward to their return, which will have thousands seeing them when they play Bumbershoot in September 09. In the meantime, photos photos photos:

all photos by Dagmar – you can see more photos here.

And I placed what it is that Emily Haines reminds me of. This may seem pretentious but she reminds me of these kind of Pre-Raphaelite paintings:

Sophie Gengembre Anderson