Holy smokes, I lived through Black Lips‘ show. I went into it knowing it would be a wild event, but when Neumos filled up with super fans crawling all over each other, running up onstage, amassing in a bacchanalian orgy – okay you get the picture. The balcony was closed, not because of ticket sales, but I suspect because fans and band members would use that balcony in some frightening way. And the music? Outrageously great, of course: “Bad Kids,” “O Katrina,” “Modern Art,” “Go Out and Get It,” “Veni, Vidi, Vici,” and was I imagining “Noc-a-Homa” in the encore? I think I kind of lost all sense of space and time toward the end of the show. I found what I call the princess spot (that’s a relatively comfortable spot in a crowd, one where I can get a good view and hear the music) midway through the night and got to see the chaos from another view point. That’s where I got the photo of guitarist Ian Saint Pé swooping in and kissing a female fan in the front row. The entire band kept up a demoniac pace, with love given back to the band over and over. See what you missed, or perhaps if you were at the show you might see yourself in some of these shots.
Review by Dagmar
photo by Marianne Spellman
photo by Dagmar
photo by Alex Crick