Photos: Coal Chamber, Filter & Combichrist @ Showbox at the Market

On March 11th, Coal Chamber headlined Showbox at the Market, apparently setting that venue on fire. The metal band reunited in 2011, with singer B. Dez Fafara and guitarist Miguel Rascón staying in the group from the very beginning. Coal Chamber will spend all summer of 2015 on tour of North America! For openers, Filter […]

Photos: Rick Springfield @ the Neptune

The constantly hot Rick Springfield performed his Stripped Down tour set at the Neptune in March (okay, pictures are little late; it’s taken me a while to recover). Springfield, a really awesome guitarist, who has played guitar since was very young, began his craft in Australia. You may have forgotten he’s Australian. By the time […]

Review and Photos: Mayhem Festival 2015

Slayer Heavy Metal came to Auburn on Tuesday and the crowd was stoked. Thousands of people braved the heat to see some of the hottest bands in rock. Long hair, denim, leather, and lace . . . . metal fans haven’t changed in 30 years. The doors opened at 1 PM and the crowd filed […]

Photos: OK Go @ the Neptune

Los Angeles’ OK Go (initially from Chicago) were at the Neptune Theatre in March for a headlining gig. The absolutely lovable OK Go always puts on a great show, with engaging songs and a real connection with its fans. You can’t have that in all one package very often. Photographer John Lill caught this show […]