Cool Cover: Jaira Burns’ “Numb”

Cool Cover: Jaira Burns ‘”Numb”Details: Cover art for Jaira Burns’ newest single, “Numb,” features her lovely blue hair in a bridal veil. Also, check out the gold party spliff. The singer-songwriter from the US described the track as “. . . for the times when people get faded; not for the reason of having fun, […]

Cool Cover: EVOKEN’s Hypnagogia

Cool Cover: EVOKEN‘s Hypnagogia Details: EVOKEN’s latest album, Hypnagogia, features a barn owl in a hazy setting. The New Jersey metal band chose World War I as the theme for the songs. One song’s titled “Schadenfreude,” and another is called “Ceremony Of Bleeding.” The title track takes its name from that also hazy moment right […]

Cool Cover: Henry Derek Elis’ The Devil Is My Friend

Cool Cover: Henry Derek Elis‘ The Devil Is My Friend Details: The Devil Is My Friend is the debut full-length by Henry Derek Elis (The Sweet Meat Love & Holy Cult). Its appropriately gothic artwork comes from Travis Smith, whose work you may have seen on album covers for artists such as Avenged Sevenfold, Slayer […]

Cool Cover: Jackie Greene’s The Modern Lives, Vol. 2 & Crazy Comes Easy

Cool Cover: Jackie Greene‘s “Crazy Comes Easy.” Details: Americana singer-songwriter gets a cover illustration for The Modern Lives, Vol. 2 and the album’s first single, “Crazy Comes Easy” from artist Angie Pickman. You can get some of your own art from Pickman, whose work has appeared in places from Martha Stewart Living to Faction Magazine, […]