Video: TTSSFU “Studio 54”

Artist: TTSSFU‘s “Studio 54”Why You Want to Watch: Tasmin Nicole Stephens (AKA TTSSFU), a Manchester, UK-based artist, goes to a party. And there are all sorts of things happening: people making out, people drinking, a guy throwing up. . . TTSSFU made the video as a tribute to Andy Warhol and how his partying ended […]

Music: Baby Schillaci’s “keep the change, ya filthy animals”

Music: Baby Schillachi‘s “keep the change, ya filthy animals”~Dagmar Christmas music can come in all shapes and sizes, and Swansea, Wales’ rock quartet’s track, “keep the change, ya filthy animals” demonstrates that! The group describes the song as an “Elf soundtrack by Freddy Krueger and Reznor.”