The Black Dahila Murder, Dying Fetus, Spite, and Vomit Forth at the Neptune Theater

The Neptune Theater played host this week to the Black Dahlia Murder, Dying Fetus, Spite, and Vomit Forth for a night of loud and satisfying death metal. The action in the pit was energetic, the audience was sweaty, aggressive, and very enthusiastic. The Black Dahlia Murder Dying Fetus The audience was amped during each of […]

Hoodoo Gurus at the Neptune Theatre

Sidney Australia’s Hoodoo Gurus came full circle by playing their debut album start to finish 42 years after its release during what will likely be the band’s last visit to Seattle Monday night at the Neptune Theatre. Dave Faulkner, Brad Sheperd, Richard Grossman, and Nik Rieth treated an amped audience to the entirety of ‘Stoneage […]

The Sonics at MOPOP

Filmmaker Jordan Albertson presented his new documentary ‘Boom: A Film About the Sonics’ at Seattle’s MOPOP in early September with a screening, a Q&A session, and a concert featuring the Sonics and Girl Trouble. The Sonics are a crucial link in the Pacific Northwest R&R chain and their impact and influence reverberates to this day. […]

Mudhoney, Zeke, Hickoids, Redneck Girlfriend, and 38 Coffin at Slim’s Last Chance

Mudhoney joined an already packed lineup of 38 Coffin, Redneck Girlfriend, Hickoids, and Zeke for a late July benefit for Derelicts singer Duane Ash Shoal at Slim’s Last Chance. The show would have very likely sold out on the strength of the original bill but did so in a flash when Mudhoney was added a […]

Toody Cole/Dead Moon, Acid Tongue, and Is This Real? at the Tractor Tavern

Toody Cole, of Dead Moon and Pierced Arrows, played a past meets present meets future bill at the Tractor Tavern last weekend with Acid Tongue and Matt Cameron’s Is This Real? Dead Moon, which was composed of Toody, her husband Fred Cole, and Andrew Loomis (now both deceased), has a secure place in the hearts […]