Show Preview: Kimie’ @ Showbox at the Market, Tues. 11/19

Sometimes everything just comes together right with a voice and the songs that voice joins. Exhibit A: Hawaiian singer/songwriter Kimie’, who’s in Seattle tomorrow night to open for the Green (she appeared on their album, The Green). The self-taught guitarist (she grabbed her dad’s guitar) has influences such as Barrington Levy, Amy Winehouse and Bob Marley, released her latest work, To the Sea this year. The optimistic artist, who said “There can always be something good to come out of the bad and I like finding beautiful surprises in things,” shares that view in her lovely music. So hit the Market early tomorrow, enjoy her mix of reggae, R&B and soul. Don’t miss her!

Kimie’ – photo by Regina Tode

For more information & tickets, head to the Showbox event page.