Judas Priest & Queensryche @ Angel of the Winds Arena – 3/9/22
Photos by Alex Crick

Judas Priest – photo by Alex Crick
Another tour that was cancelled last year due to the pandemic was Judas Priest’s 50th Anniversary tour. The group’s dates were rescheduled for this year, with the Seattle-area show taking place at Angel of the Winds Arena in Everett, Washington. The massively welcome date was flavored with a setlist to cry happy tears over, including “Turbo Lover,” “Electric Eye” and “Painkiller.” These Brits sizzle eternally, and with Queensryche as openers, how can anyone go wrong? Big P.S.: Queensryche returns to Washington State in September with an appearance at Pain In The Grass on September 4th.

Judas Priest – photos by Alex Crick

Queensryche – photos by Alex Crick