Lee Rogers @ the Neptune – 5/27/22
Photos by Rachel Crick

Lee Rogers – photo by Rachel Crick
Lee Rogers wrapped up a string of dates opening for Foy Vance, including a show at Seattle’s Neptune Theatre on May 27th. The singer-songwriter from Northern Ireland worked on his latest album, Gameblood, with fellow Northern Irishman Gareth Dunlop as producer, plus he’s got two soundtracks under his belt. Rogers recently revealed “My dad was a second generation settled Gypsy. . . With black hair, swarthy-skinned, and green eyes (like me). He had gold hoop earrings and old Indian-inked tattoos. He was as hard as the road he walked on but had the softest heart for us and my mother, who he loved unconditionally. He had a fighting spirit, and that’s what I believe ‘Gameblood’ means. That’s where this album’s name comes from.” That’s awesome. You can check out the album and Rogers’ gorgeous swarthy voice in several formats here .

Lee Rogers – photos by Rachel Crick