Earshot Jazz Festival 2019 – Part 2 (10/21/2019 – 10/26/2019)
Photos by Lisa Hagen Glynn
Earshot Jazz Festival 2019 – Part Two includes photos of Anton Schwartz Sextet; Jay Thomas East West Alliance; Larry Grenadier; Tyshawn Sorey; Jenny Scheinman & Allison Miller‘s Parlour Game w/ Carmen Staaf & Tony Scherr and Thomas Marriott and Friends from Philly. Thanks to Lisa Hagen Glynn for covering Earshot Jazz Festival 2019. Look for Part Three of her coverage soon on Back Beat Seattle. And if you’re in the market for some new music, two of these artists had March releases: Unfiltered by Tyshwan Sore and Trumpet Ship by Thomas Marriott.
10/21: Anton Schwartz Sextet (Town Hall Forum)

10/23: Jay Thomas East West Alliance (Town Hall Forum)

10/23: Larry Grenadier (Chapel Performance Space)

10/25: Tyshawn Sorey (Town Hall Forum)

10/24: Jenny Scheinman & Allison Miller’s Parlour Game w/ Carmen Staaf & Tony Scherr (Town Hall Forum)

10/26: Thomas Marriott Friends from Philly (Royal Room)