Mudhoney, Zeke, Hickoids, Redneck Girlfriend, and 38 Coffin at Slim’s Last Chance

Mudhoney joined an already packed lineup of 38 Coffin, Redneck Girlfriend, Hickoids, and Zeke for a late July benefit for Derelicts singer Duane Ash Shoal at Slim’s Last Chance. The show would have very likely sold out on the strength of the original bill but did so in a flash when Mudhoney was added a week before the event. All 5 bands turned in strong performances to a wildly appreciative audience on one of the warmer afternoons of the summer. The quality of the music was strong across the entire bill but Mudhoney and Zeke in particular really brought the afternoon to a sweaty and ear ringing conclusion. Money was raised for a much-loved member of the Seattle music community and a large and happy crowd was treated to an afternoon of excellent rock & roll. Cheers to the bands and everyone involved.